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Displaying 1 - 25 of 50 results.


    • BookChapter
    Molecular identification of mycotoxigenic fungi in food and feedstuffs
    Munaut, Françoise[UCL] Van Hove, François[UCL] Moretti, Antonio (2011) Determining mycotoxins and mycotoxigenic fungi in food and feed — [ISBN : 1-84569-674-3]
    • Journal article
    From plants to silage: the mycotoxin problematic
    Munaut, Françoise[UCL] Van Hove, François[UCL] Scauflaire, Jonathan[UCL] (2006) BCCM News — Vol. 20, no.WINTER, p. 2-3 (2006)
    • Speech
    Genetic and mycotoxigenic characterization of newly described Fusarium species within the Gibberella fujikuroi complex
    Munaut, Françoise[UCL] Van Hove, François[UCL] (2005) First International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology (BioMicroWorld-2005) — Badajoz, Espagne
    • Speech
    Diversity in pathogenicity and mycotoxin production of the Gibberella fujikuroi group in the tropics
    Munaut, Françoise[UCL] Van Hove, François[UCL] (2004) 6th Vanbreuseghem Conference — Académie Royale des Sciences d’Outre-Mer, Bruxelles, Belgique.
    • Speech
    Excision of the fumonisin gene cluster in Fusarium verticillioides strains isolated from banana.
    Van Hove, François[UCL] Munaut, Françoise[UCL] (2006) Ninth European Fusarium Seminar", 19-22/09/2006, — Wageningen, Pays-Bas
    • Speech
    Laccase-catalyzed azodye synthesis
    Trovaslet, Marie[UCL] Enaud, Estelle[UCL] Bazes, Alexandra[UCL] Jolivalt, Claude Van Hove, François[UCL] VANHULLE, Sophie[UCL] (2008) IBIC2008 - 1st International Conference on Industrial Biotechnology — Naples, Italy
    • Speech
    Mycotoxin producing moulds in silage
    Van Hove, François[UCL] Munaut, Françoise[UCL] (2007) 1st Symposium Mycotoxins: threats and risk management — Ghent, Belgium
    • Speech
    Case study on Fusarium verticillioides, an important plant-pathogen and mycotoxin producer
    Van Hove, François[UCL] (2009) Analysing Patterns of Exchange and Use in the Global Microbial Commons First Workshop — Brussels, Belgium
