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Displaying 7 results.
    • BookChapter
    The Cemetery at Sissi. Report on the 2011 Campaign
    Schoep, Ilse Schmitt, Aurore Crevecoeur, Isabelle Déderix, Sylviane[UCL] (2012) Excavations at Sissi, III. Preliminary Report on the 2011 Campaign — [ISBN : 978-2-87463-273-0]
    • BookChapter
    Late Bronze Age Perinatal and Infants’ Burials at Sissi
    Sperandio, Emeline Schmitt, Aurore Claeys, Thérèse[UCL] Langohr, Charlotte[UCL] Tsafou, Evgenia[UCL] (2021) Sissi V. Preliminary Report on the 2017-2019 Excavations — [ISBN : 978-2-39061-198-1]