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Displaying 1 - 25 of 213 results.


    • Journal article
    Religiousness as a cultural adaptation of basic traits: A Five-Factor Model perspective
    Saroglou, Vassilis[UCL] (2010) Personality and Social Psychology Review — Vol. 14, no. 1, p. 108-125 (2010)
    • BookChapter
    Religion and psychology of values: "Universals" and changes
    Saroglou, Vassilis[UCL] (2008) Science and ethics: The axiological contexts of science — [ISBN : 978-90-5201-426-5]
    • BookChapter
    Les motifs d'attraction pour le religieux: Des besoins affectifs et cognitifs au désir d’expansion de soi
    Buxant, Coralie[UCL] Saroglou, Vassilis[UCL] (2009) La conversion religieuse: Analyses psychologiques, anthropologiques et sociologiques — [ISBN : 978-2-8309-1366-8]
    • Journal article
    Flexibility in existential beliefs and worldviews
    Van Pachterbeke, Matthieu[UCL] Keller, Johannes Saroglou, Vassilis[UCL] (2012) Journal of Individual Differences — Vol. 33, no.1, p. 2-16 (2012)
    • Journal article
    Nonconscious influences of religion on prosociality: A priming study
    Pichon, Isabelle Boccato, Giulio Saroglou, Vassilis (2007) European Journal of Social Psychology — Vol. 37, no.5, p. 1032-1045 (2007)
    • Journal article
    Religiosity and prosocial behavior among churchgoers: Exploring underlying mechanisms
    Van Cappellen, Patty[UCL] Saroglou, Vassilis[UCL] Toth-Gauthier, Maria[UCL] (2016) The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion — Vol. 26, no. 1, p. 19-30 (2016)
    • Journal article
    Spiritualité moderne: Un regard de psychologie de la religion
    Saroglou, Vassilis[UCL] (2003) Revue Théologique de Louvain — Vol. 34, no. 4, p. 473-504 (2003)
    • Journal article
    Anti-Islam or anti-religion? Understanding objection against Islamic education
    van der Noll, Jolanda[UCL] Saroglou, Vassilis[UCL] (2015) Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies — Vol. 41, no.2, p. 209-238 (2015)
    • Journal article
    Who turns to acupuncture? The role of mistrust of rationality and individualist success
    Clobert, Magali[UCL] Saroglou, Vassilis[UCL] Van Pachterbeke, Matthieu[UCL] (2015) Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine : research on paradigm, practice, and policy — Vol. 21, no. 8, p. 466-471 (2015)
    • Journal article
    Intercultural non-conscious influences: Prosocial effects of Buddhist priming on Westerners of Christian tradition
    Clobert, Magali[UCL] Saroglou, Vassilis[UCL] (2013) International Journal of Intercultural Relations — Vol. 37, no. 4, p. 459-466 (2013)
    • Speech
    Religion, magical thinking and trust in science: Comparing East versus West.
    Clobert, Magali[UCL] Saroglou, Vassilis[UCL] (2011) International Association for the Psychology of Religion Conference — Bari, Italy
    • Speech
    Religious prosociality: Findings and the interplay of ideology and statistics
    Saroglou, Vassilis[UCL] (2017) American Psychological Association (APA) Convention — Washington, DC, USA
    • Speech
    Religious identity vs. cultural and national identities
    Saroglou, Vassilis[UCL] (2017) “The unspoken sacre: The religious dimension of intercultural dialogue”, Fondazione Intercultura onlus — Bari, Italy
    • Speech
    Who controls my life? Comparisons between religious believers and nonbelievers in normatively non-religious contexts
    Uzarevic, Filip[UCL] Saroglou, Vassilis[UCL] (2017) 2nd International Convention for Psychological Science — Wien, Austria
    • Speech
    Cultures and religions: Understanding Muslim-majority relations in secularized Europe
    Saroglou, Vassilis[UCL] (2017) International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology Conference — Warsaw, Poland
    • Journal article
    Western anti-Muslim prejudice: Value conflict or discrimination of persons too?
    Van der Noll, Jolanda[UCL] Saroglou, Vassilis[UCL] Latour, David[UCL] Dolezal, Nathalie[UCL] (2018) Political Psychology — Vol. 39, no. 2, p. 281-301 (2018)
    • Journal article
    Psychology of religion: An interview [in Greek]
    Saroglou, Vassilis[UCL] (2014) Psixis Dromoi — Vol. 8, no./, p. 90-107 (Novembre 2014)
    • Journal article
    Personality and values of deconverts: A function of current nonbelief or prior religious socialization?
    Saroglou, Vassilis[UCL] Karim, Moïse[UCL] Day, James[UCL] (2020) Mental Health, Religion & Culture — Vol. 23, no. 2, p. 139-152
