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Displaying 1 - 25 of 62 results.


    • Journal article
    The art of detecting forwarding detours
    Del Fiore, Julian M. Persico, Valerio Merindol, Pascal Pelsser, Cristel[UCL] Pescape, Antonio (2021) IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management — Vol. 18, no.3, p. 3619-3632 (2021)
    • Speech
    Routing over QUIC: Bringing transport innovations to routing protocols
    Wirtgen, Thomas[UCL] Rybowski, Nicolas[UCL] Pelsser, Cristel[UCL] Bonaventure, Olivier[UCL] (2023) Poster session of the 20th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 23' Poster Session) — Boston, Massachusetts, USA
    • Journal article
    Securing workflows using microservices and metagraphs
    Miller, Loïc Mérindol, Pascal Gallais, Antoine Pelsser, Cristel[UCL] (2021) Electronics — Vol. 10, no.24, p. 3087 (2021)
    • Journal article
    Requirements for the Graceful Shutdown of BGP Sessions
    Decraene, Bruno François, Pierre[UCL] Pelsser, Cristel Ahmad, Zubair Elizondo Armengol, Antonio José (2011) Internet Engineering Task Force: RFC — no. 6198, p. 1-21 (2011)
    • Speech
    Path selection techniques to establish constrained interdomain MPLS LSPs
    Pelsser, Cristel Bonaventure, Olivier[UCL] (2006) 5th International IFIP-TC6 Networking Conference — Coimbra(Portugal)
    • Journal article
    RSVP-TE extensions for interdomain LSPs
    Pelsser, Cristel [FUNDP] Bonaventure, Olivier[UCL] (2002) The Internet Engineering Task Force — p. 1-45 (2002)
    • Journal article
    Improving network agility with seamless BGP reconfigurations
    Vissicchio, Stefano[UCL] Vanbever, Laurent[UCL] Pelsser, Cristel Cittadini, Luca François, Pierre Bonaventure, Olivier[UCL] (2013) IEEE-ACM Transactions on Networking — Vol. 21, no. 3, p. 990-1002 (2013)
    • Journal article
    Interdomain traffic engineering with BGP
    Quoitin, Bruno[UCL] Uhlig, Steve[UCL] Pelsser, Cristel[UCL] Swinnen, Louis[FUNDP] Bonaventure, Olivier[UCL] (2003) IEEE Communications Magazine — Vol. 41, no. 5, p. 122-128 (2003)
    • Journal article
    A Performance Evaluation of BGP-based Traffic Engineering
    Quoitin, Bruno[UCL] Pelsser, Cristel[UCL] Uhlig, Steve[UCL] Bonaventure, Olivier[UCL] (2005) International Journal of Network Management — Vol. 15, no. 3, p. 177-191 (2005)
    • Speech
    Leveraging inter-domain stability for BGP dynamics analysis
    Green, Thomas Lambert, Anthony Pelsser, Cristel[UCL] Rossi, Dario (2018) International conference on passive and active network measurement PAM —
    • Speech
    An Exploration of Exact Methods for Effective Network Failure Detection and Diagnosis
    Burlats, Alice[UCL] Pelsser, Cristel[UCL] Schaus, Pierre[UCL] (2024) 38th Annual Conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society — Antwerp, Belgium
    • Speech
    Problème à trois Contraintes : calcul et déploiement de segments de routage
    Luttringer, Jean-Romain Alfroy, Thomas Mérindol, Pascal Clad, François Pelsser, Cristel[UCL] (2021) Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications — La Rochelle
    • Speech
    Detecting IP-tracking proof interfaces by looking for NATs
    Buchet, Aurélien[UCLouvain] Snyder, Peter Haddadi, Hamed Pelsser, Cristel[UCLouvain] (2023) 2023 7th Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA) — Naples, Italy
    • Speech
    Revisiting recommended BGP route flap damping configurations
    Clemens, Mosig Bush, Randy Pelsser, Cristel[UCL] Schmidt, Thomas Wählisch, Matthias (2021) Proceedings of network traffic measurement and analysis conference —
    • Speech
    A first measurement with BGP egress peer engineering
    Nakamura, Ryo Shimizu, Kazuki Kamata, Teppei Pelsser, Cristel[UCL] (2022) International conference on passive and active network measurement PAM —
    • Speech
    Evaluating the performance of NRENs in deploying IoT in Africa : the case for TTN
    Zennaro, Marco Pelsser, Cristel[UCL] Albinet, Franck Manzoni, Pietro (2020) 2020 IEEE 17th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC) — Las Vegas, NV, USA
    • Journal article
    What do parrots and BGP routers have in common ?
    Hauweele, David Quoitin, Bruno Pelsser, Cristel[UCL] Bush, Randy (2018) ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review — Vol. 46, no.3, p. 1-6 (2018)
