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Displaying 1 - 25 of 55 results.


    • Journal article
    Determination by Fourier Transform Raman Spectroscopy of Conjugated Linoleic Acid in I(2)-Photoisomerized Soybean Oil.
    Bernuy, Bruno Meurens, Marc[UCL] Mignolet, Eric[UCL] Turu, Christine[UCL] Larondelle, Yvan[UCL] (2009) Journal of agricultural and food chemistry — Vol. 57, no. 15, p. 6524-7 (2009)
    • BookChapter
    Spectrophotometric techniques
    Meurens, Marc[UCL] (2003) Food authenticity and traceability — [ISBN : 978-1-85573-526-2]
    • Speech
    Effects of Dietary Date Pulp On Digestion in the Rat
    Focant, Michel[UCL] Meurens, Marc[UCL] Koshroff, S. Vanbelle, Marcel[UCL] (1991) WORKSHOP ON CELL WALLS : STRUCTURE-BIODEGRADATION-UTILISATION — NANTES(France)
    • Journal article
    Liquid Analysis By Dry-extract Near-infrared Reflectance On Fiberglass
    Alfaro, G. Meurens, Marc[UCL] Birth, GS. (1990) Applied Spectroscopy — Vol. 44, no. 6, p. 979-986 (1990)
    • Journal article
    Enzymes in Foods and Feeds
    Vanbelle, Marcel[UCL] Meurens, Marc[UCL] Crichton, Robert[UCL] (1982) Revue des Fermentations et des Industries Alimentaires — Vol. 37, no. 4, p. 124-135 (1982)
    • Journal article
    Breast cancer detection by Fourier transform infrared spectrometry
    Meurens, Marc[UCL] Wallon, J. Tong, JS Noël, Henri[UCL] Haot, J. (1996) Vibrational Spectroscopy — Vol. 10, no. 2, p. 341-346 (1996)
    • Speech
    Efectos e inactivacion tecnologica de factores antinutricionales de granos andinos
    Alfaro Denus, Gonzalo Meurens, Marc[UCL] Vanbelle, Marcel[UCL] Larondelle, Yvan[UCL] (1995) 1er Congreso Nacional de Cienca y Tecnologia, — Bolivia 2000, Cochabamba
    • Journal article
    [Utilization of Enzymes in the Industry and in the Animal Nutrition]
    Vanbelle, Marcel[UCL] Meurens, Marc[UCL] (1983) Zootecnica e Nutrizione Animale — Vol. 9, no. 1, p. 61-79 (1983)
    • Speech
    [Immediate chemical analysis of fats by spectrophotometric sensors]
    Meurens, Marc[UCL] (2003) Meeting of the Association-Francaise-pour-l'Etude-des-Corps-Gras — PARIS(France)
    • Speech
    Continuous on-line measurement of organochlorine compounds by a infrared sensor inside a pilot scale fixed bed bioreactor
    Acha, V. Meurens, Marc[UCL] Agathos, Spiros N.[UCL] Naveau, Henry[UCL] (1997) Workshop in Process Modeling, Simulation, Optimization and Model Based Control — Institut Belge de Régulation et d'automatisme (IBRA), Mons, Belgium
    • Journal article
    Determination of the conjugated linoleic acids in cow's milk fat by Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy.
    Meurens, Marc[UCL] Baeten, Vincent Yan, Shou He[UCL] Mignolet, Eric[UCL] Larondelle, Yvan[UCL] (2005) Journal of agricultural and food chemistry — Vol. 53, no. 15, p. 5831-5 (2005)
