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Displaying 21 results.
    • Speech
    Production, Acceleration and Use of Radioactive Ion-beams At Louvain-la-neuve
    Vanduppen, P. Decrock, P. Huyse, M. Delbar, Thierry[UCL] Galster, W. Leleux, Pierre[UCL] Licot, I. Lienard, E. Lipnik, Peter[UCL] Loiselet, Marc[UCL] Michotte, C. Ryckewaert, Guido[UCL] Vervier, Jean[UCL] Duhamel, P. Vanhorenbeeck, J. (1992) 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONF ON ELECTROMAGNETIC ISOTOPE SEPARATORS AND TECHNIQUES RELATED TO THEIR APPLICATIONS ( EMIS-12 ) — SENDAI(Japan)
    • Journal article
    Two-dimensional localization of neutrons in a large-area liquid-scintillator cell
    Lienard, E. Perier, Y Peghaire, A. El Masri, Youssef[UCL] Galin, J Keutgen, Thomas[UCL] Lott, B Morjean, M Qian, X Tilquin, I. (1998) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment — Vol. 413, no. 2-3, p. 321-332 (1998)
    • Speech
    Beam, target and detector development for radioactive ion beams
    Delbar, Thierry[UCL] Galster, W. Leleux, Pierre[UCL] Lienard, E. Lipnik, Peter[UCL] Loiselet, Marc[UCL] Michotte, C. Ryckewaert, Guido[UCL] (1992) Proceedings of the International Conference on New Nuclear Physics with Advanced Techniques — Ierapetra, Greece
    • Journal article
    Precise Measurement of the J-pi = 1- Resonance in N-14 By C-13 + P Elastic-scattering On a Thick Target
    Benjelloun, M. Delbar, Thierry[UCL] Galster, W. Leleux, Pierre[UCL] Lienard, E. Lipnik, Peter[UCL] Duhamel, P. Vanhorenbeeck, J. Rolfs, C. Roters, G. Trautvetter, HP. Rodney, W. (1992) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment — Vol. 321, no. 3, p. 521-528 (1992)
    • Journal article
    Radioactive Beam Investigation of the N-13(p,Gamma)o-14 Reaction and the Hot Cno Cycle
    Decrock, P. Delbar, Thierry[UCL] Galster, W. Huyse, M. Leleux, Pierre[UCL] Licot, I. Lienard, E. Lipnik, Peter[UCL] Michotte, C. Vanduppen, P. Vanhorenbeeck, J. Vervier, Jean[UCL] (1993) Physics Letters. Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics — Vol. 304, no. 1-2, p. 50-54 (1993)