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Displaying 1 - 25 of 86 results.


    • Speech
    Archaeoseismology: a conceptual framework for assessing the seismic origin of archaeological destruction layers
    Jusseret, Simon[UCL] Langohr, Charlotte[UCL] Sintubin, Manuel (2011) Destruction: Archaeological, philological and historical perspectives, International Round Table — Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
    • Journal article
    Compte-rendu de : E. HATZAKI, Knossos: the Little Palace (BSA Supplementary Volume 38), London, 2005
    Langohr, Charlotte[UCL] (2007) Revue Archéologique — Vol. 44, no. 2, p. 320-322 (2007)
    • Speech
    Séquence céramique néopalatiale à Malia. Les apports majeurs du Secteur Pi à la compréhension de l’histoire du site
    Langohr, Charlotte[UCL] Pomadère, Maia Alberti, Maria Emanuela (2020) Recherches à Malia (Crète). Actualités et perspectives, Journée d’étude, 2 décembre 2020 (Webinaire) — Ecole française d’Athènes
    • Speech
    From active faults to ancient ruins: tracking earthquake damage in Late Minoan IIIB (1300-1200 BC) Crete
    Jusseret, Simon[UCL] Langohr, Charlotte[UCL] Sintubin, Manuel (2012) Colloque de l’Institut des Civilisations, Arts et Lettres: Culture et/ou civilisation. Une question de valeurs, de sources, d'identités et de méthodes — Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
    • Speech
    Chercher la femme. Questions de genre en archéologie minoenne
    Langohr, Charlotte[UCL] (2017) Journée d’étude sur les recherches autour du Genre dans l’Institut des Civilisations, Arts et Lettres — UCLouvain
    • Speech
    Recent Developments in the Archaeology of Minoan Crete
    Driessen, Jan[UCL] Langohr, Charlotte[UCL] (2014) Recent Developments in the Long-Term Archaeology of Greece — Netherlands Institute at Athens
    • Speech
    Favissae. Feasting Pits in LM III: Apogorevetai to spasimo?
    Driessen, Jan[UCL] Farnoux, Alexandre Langohr, Charlotte[UCL] (2008) Dais. The Aegean Feast. 12th International Aegean Conference — Melbourne
    • Speech
    The Palaikastro Workshop: East Cretan Regional Ceramics at the End of the Bronze Age
    Langohr, Charlotte[UCL] Cunningham, Tim[UCL] (2006) Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America — Montréal
    • Speech
    In Vino Veritas? In search of the evidence for past Minoan wine rituals before the krater
    Langohr, Charlotte[UCL] (2018) 7th International Aegean Conference Μνεμε / Mneme. Past And Memory In The Aegean Bronze Age — Venise
    • Speech
    Technological changes in ceramic production during periods of trouble: questions and perspectives
    Langohr, Charlotte[UCL] Caloi, Ilaria[UCL] (2016) TIC: Technology in Crisis Technological changes in ceramic production during periods of trouble, International workshop — Louvain-la-Neuve
    • Journal article
    El periodo micénico en Creta. Los entresijos de un debate constante
    Langohr, Charlotte[UCL] (2018) Desperta Ferro-Arqueología e Historia — Vol. janvier 2018, p. 46-50 (2018)
    • Speech
    Regionalism in Mycenaean Crete revisited: comparing LM IB-LM IIIA1 Palaikastro, Mochlos and Kommos
    Langohr, Charlotte[UCL] (2008) Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America — Chicago
    • Speech
    Coping with Cultural Transformation and Continuity in East Crete during LM II-IIIA2 Early: A Ceramic Perspective
    Langohr, Charlotte[UCL] (2019) One State, Many Worlds. Crete in the Late Minoan II-IIIA2 Early Period. International Conference — Khania
    • Speech
    Late Minoan IIIB pottery at Malia and Sissi. Assessing local ceramic sequence, regional traditions and interaction networks
    Langohr, Charlotte[UCL] (2013) How long is a century? Late Minoan IIIB pottery: Relative chronology and regional differences, International workshop organized by the Aegean Interdisciplinary Studies research group (UCL) — Louvain-la-Neuve
    • Speech
    Excavations in the Pi Area at Malia (2005-2010)
    Gomrée, Thibaut[UCL] Langohr, Charlotte[UCL] Pomadère, Maia (2012) 2nd Meeting for the Archaeological Work in Crete — Rethymnon
    • Speech
    L'archéosismologie: un cadre conceptuel pour l'évaluation de l'origine sismique des couches de destruction archéologiques
    Jusseret, Simon[UCL] Langohr, Charlotte[UCL] Sintubin, Manuel (2013) Destruction: Archaeological, philological and historical perspectives, International Round Table — Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
    • Speech
    Late Minoan Pottery at the Bouffo (Sissi, Crete) : A Preliminary Examination
    Langohr, Charlotte[UCL] (2009) Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America — Philadelphie
    • BookChapter
    Late Bronze Age Perinatal and Infants’ Burials at Sissi
    Sperandio, Emeline Schmitt, Aurore Claeys, Thérèse[UCL] Langohr, Charlotte[UCL] Tsafou, Evgenia[UCL] (2021) Sissi V. Preliminary Report on the 2017-2019 Excavations — [ISBN : 978-2-39061-198-1]
