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Displaying 11 results.
    • Speech
    Ag/SiO2 and Cu/SiO2 cogelled xerogel catalysts for benzene combustion and 2-butanol dehydrogenation
    Lambert, S. Tcherkassova, N Cellier, C. Ferauche, F Heinrichs, B Grange, Paul[UCL] Pirard, JP. (2002) 8th International Symposium on Scientific Bases for the Preparation of Heterogeneous Catalysts — UNIV CATHOLIQUE LOUVAIN, LOUVAIN LA NEUVE (Belgium)
    • Journal article
    L'alvéolite sèche : Prévention et traitement
    Lambert, S. Reychler, Hervé[UCL] (1994) Revue de Stomatologie et de Chirurgie Maxillo-Faciale — Vol. 95, no. 6, p. 435-440 (1994)
    • Journal article
    La lacune essentielle des maxillaires.
    Lambert, S. Lechien, Pierre[UCL] (1993) Acta stomatologica Belgica — Vol. 90, no. 4, p. 213-221 (1993)
    • Speech
    Using action observation bouts for improving dexterity in two case-patients with hemiparesis.
    Edwards, Martin[UCL] Salama, I.M.M.[UCL] Lambert, S.[UCL] Kerrinckx, Elisabeth[UCL] Vandermeeren, Yves[UCL] (2013) Research in Imagery and Observation Group Meeting — University College of Dublin, Ireland