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Displaying 61 - 175 of 487 results.


    • Speech
    Root Water Uptake Measurements At the Field Scale by TDR and ERT
    Beff, Laure[UCL] Günther, Thomas Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] (2012) ASA-CSSA-SSSA Int. Annual Meetings: Fundamental for life: Soil, Crop & Environmental Sciences — San Francisco, USA
    • Speech
    Combining modeling and experiments at the lysimeter scale: an effective way to assess key transport and flow processes at the field scale
    Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] (2008) 2d Workshop Lysimeters for Global Change Research: Biological Processes and the Environmental Fate of Pollutants — Münich, Germany
    • Journal article
    Isotopic composition of plant water sources
    Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] Rothfuss, Youri Vanderborght, Jan Vereecken, Harry Brüggemann, Nicolas (2016) Nature : international weekly journal of science — Vol. 536, no.7617, p. E1-E3 (2016)
    • Journal article
    Three-dimentional monitoring of soil water content in a maize field using electrical resistivity tomography
    Beff, Laure[UCL] Günther, Thomas Vandoorne, Bertrand[UCL] Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] (2012) Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions — Vol. 9, p. 8535-8578
    • Speech
    Real-time spacial analysis of root water uptake in rhizotrons
    Lobet, Guillaume[UCL] Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] Pagès, Loïc Chaumont, François[UCL] Draye, Xavier[UCL] (2009) Biomechanics in Plant Growth Event — Bristol, UK
    • BookChapter
    Root water uptake and myco-rhizosphere hydraulic properties
    Carminati, Andrea Marin, Maria Couvreur, Valentin[UCL] Zarebanadkouki, Mohsen Declerck, Stephan[UCL] Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] (2023) Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment — [ISBN : 978-0-323-95133-3]
    • Journal article
    Simulating transpiration and leaf water relations in response to heterogeneous soil moisture and different stomatal control mechanisms
    Huber, Katrin Vanderborght, Jan Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] Vereecken, Harry (2015) Plant and Soil : international journal on plant-soil relationships — Vol. 394, no. 1-2, p. 109-126 (2015)
    • Speech
    Computational improvements for coupled 3D soil-root flow models
    Schröder, T. Javaux, Mathieu[UCL] Vanderborght, J. Körfgen, B. Vereecken, H. (2008) XVII International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR 2008) — San Francisco, USA
