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Displaying 1 - 25 of 48 results.


    • Journal article
    [Nocardiosis - Case-report and Literature-review]
    Elkhawand, C. Installé, Etienne[UCL] Pouthier, F. Trigaux, Jean-Paul[UCL] Delaunois, Luc (1992) Acta Clinica Belgica (Multilingual Edition) — Vol. 47, no. 6, p. 414-422 (1992)
    • Journal article
    Venovenous ECMO in life-threatening radiocontrast mediated-ARDS
    Machiels, Jean-Pascal[UCL] Evrard, Patrick[UCL] Dive, Alain-Michel[UCL] Bulpa, Pierre[UCL] Installé, Etienne[UCL] (1999) Intensive Care Medicine — Vol. 25, no. 5, p. 546 (1999)
    • Journal article
    Patent foramen ovale: a cause of significant post-coronary artery bypass grafting morbidity.
    Schoevaerdts, Didier Gonzalez, Manuel[UCL] Evrard, Patrick[UCL] Buche, Michel[UCL] Installé, Etienne[UCL] (2002) Cardiovascular surgery (London, England) — Vol. 10, no. 6, p. 615-7 (2002)
    • Journal article
    Combined bronchoalveolar lavage and transbronchial lung biopsy: safety and yield in ventilated patients.
    Bulpa, Pierre[UCL] Dive, Alain-Michel[UCL] Mertens, L. Delos, M A Jamart, Jacques[UCL] Evrard, Patrick[UCL] Gonzalez, Manuel[UCL] Installé, Etienne[UCL] (2003) The European respiratory journal : official journal of the European Society for Clinical Respiratory Physiology — Vol. 21, no. 3, p. 489-94 (2003)
    • Journal article
    Repetitive endoscopy and continuous alkaline gastric irrigation in a case of arsenic poisoning.
    Michaux, Isabelle[UCL] Haufroid, Vincent[UCL] Dive, Alain-Michel[UCL] Buchet, Jean-Pierre[UCL] Bulpa, Pierre[UCL] Mahieu, P. Installé, Etienne[UCL] (2000) Journal of toxicology. Clinical toxicology — Vol. 38, no. 5, p. 471-6 (2000)
    • Journal article
    Effect of dopamine on gastrointestinal motility during critical illness.
    Dive, Alain-Michel[UCL] Foret, F Jamart, Jacques[UCL] Bulpa, Pierre[UCL] Installé, Etienne[UCL] (2000) Intensive care medicine — Vol. 26, no. 7, p. 901-7 (2000)
    • Journal article
    Transplants and psychiatry
    Zdanowicz, Nicolas Reynaert, Christine Janne, Pascal[UCL] Installé, Etienne[UCL] Evrard, Patrick[UCL] Delaunois, Luc (1998) Psychosomatics : the journal of consultation and liaison psychiatry — Vol. 39, no. 4, p. 390-391 (1998)
    • Journal article
    Bepaling van een prognostische score voor patiënten die intra-artic balloon pumping nodig hebben
    Evrard, Patrick[UCL] Jamart, Jacques[UCL] Laghmiche, A.[UCL] Gonzalez, M.[UCL] Gurné, Olivier[UCL] Eucher, Philippe[UCL] Installé, Etienne[UCL] (2001) Tijdschrift voor Cardiologie — Vol. 13, no. 8, p. 280-283 (2001)
