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Displaying 1 - 25 of 56 results.


    • Speech
    Acquisition of grammatical spelling: effects of handwriting, lexical and agreement processes
    Van Reybroeck, Marie[UCL] Schelstraete, Marie-Anne[UCL] Hupet, Michel[UCL] (2006) Reading, Spelling and Deafness: An International Symposium in honour of Professor Jesus Alegria — Bruxelles
    • Speech
    Does the place of the verb influence subject-verb agreement in writing?
    Van Reybroeck, Marie[UCL] Hupet, Michel[UCL] Schelstraete, Marie-Anne[UCL] (2006) Sig Writing, 10th international conference of the EARLI special interest group on writing — Antwerp
    • Speech
    An evidence-based switching intervention showing improved acquisition of number agreement in written French
    Van Reybroeck, Marie[UCL] Nossent, Christine[UCL] Hupet, Michel[UCL] (2013) European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction — Munich, Germany
    • Speech
    Acquisition de l'orthographe grammaticale: cadres théoriques généraux
    Van Reybroeck, Marie[UCL] Hupet, Michel[UCL] (2011) L'apprentissage de la langue écrite et ses troubles - les approches cognitives: un bilan après 15 ans — Mons
    • Speech
    Do semantic variables influence subject-verb agreement in writing ?
    Van Reybroeck, Marie[UCL] Hupet, Michel[UCL] Schelstraete, Marie-Anne[UCL] (2005) 11th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing — Ghent
    • Journal article
    Cognitive mediators of age-related differences in language comprehension and verbal memory performance
    Van der Linden, Martial Hupet, Michel[UCL] Feyereisen, Pierre[UCL] Schelstraete, Marie-Anne[UCL] Bestgen, Yves[UCL] Bruyer, Raymond[UCL] Lories, Guy[UCL] El Ahmadi, Abdessadek Seron, Xavier[UCL] (1999) Neuropsychology, Development and Cognition. Section B: Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition — Vol. 6, no. 1, p. 32-55 (1999)
    • Speech
    Grammatical awareness and grammatical spelling: comparison of children with and without dyslexia
    Van Reybroeck, Marie[UCL] Delaere, Sophie[UCL] Schelstraete, Marie-Anne[UCL] Hupet, Michel[UCL] (2013) International Workshop on Reading and Developmental Dyslexia — San Sebastian
    • Journal article
    The role of visual feedback in supervision of grammatical spelling
    Veys, Emilie[UCL] Hupet, Michel[UCL] (2011) Perceptual and Motor Skills — Vol. 112, no. 3, p. 680-690 (2011)
    • Journal article
    Pragmatic skills in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease: an analysis by means of a referential communication task.
    Feyereisen, Pierre[UCL] Berrewaerts, Joëlle Hupet, Michel[UCL] (2007) International journal of language & communication disorders / Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists — Vol. 42, no. 1, p. 1-17 (2007)
    • Journal article
    Incidence de la mémoire de travail sur la vitesse de traitement en temps réel de phrases écrites
    Schelstraete, Marie-Anne[UCL] Desmette, Donatienne[UCL] Hupet, Michel[UCL] (1995) Bulletin de psychologie — Vol. 48, no.., p. 478-482 (1995)
    • Speech
    Grammatical awareness of children with dyslexia and typically developing children
    Van Reybroeck, Marie[UCL] Delaere, Sophie[UCL] Schelstraete, Marie-Anne[UCL] Hupet, Michel[UCL] (2013) Annual meeting of the Belgian Psychological Society — Louvain-la-Neuve
    • Speech
    Effects of cognitive aging on story recall: The role of working memory capaciy and/or task complexity
    Desmette, Donatienne[UCL] Feyereisen, Pierre[UCL] Hupet, Michel[UCL] (1995) Annual meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences — Belgium: Louvain-la-Neuve
    • Speech
    Prise en compte des connaissances de l'interlocuteur et vieillissement
    Chantraine, Yves[UCL] Nef, François[UCL] Bestgen, Yves[UCL] Hupet, Michel[UCL] (1996) 4èmes Journées d'Etudes sur le Vieillissement Cognitif — Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)
    • BookChapter
    Influence du coût de divers traitements sur la maîtrise progressive de l'accord en nombre
    Van Reybroeck, Marie[UCL] Hupet, Michel[UCL] Schelstraete, Marie-Anne[UCL] (2009) L'apprentissage de la langue écrite, approche cognitive — [ISBN : 978-2-7535-0786-9]
    • Journal article
    Acquisition of number agreement: effects of processing demands
    Van Reybroeck, Marie[UCL] Hupet, Michel[UCL] (2009) Journal of the Writing Research — Vol. 1, no. 2, p. 153-172
    • Journal article
    Effects of semantic variables on the subject-verb agreement processes in writing
    Hupet, Michel[UCL] Fayol, M. Schelstraete, Marie-Anne[UCL] (1998) British Journal of Psychology — Vol. 89, p. 59-75 (1998)
    • Speech
    Rule switching skills and the acquisition of number agreement for nouns and verbs in written French
    Van Reybroeck, Marie[UCL] Hupet, Michel[UCL] Schelstraete, Marie-Anne[UCL] (2008) Sig Writing, 11th international conference of the EARLI special interest group on writing — Lund, Sweden
    • Journal article
    What Are Clefts Good for - Some Consequences for Comprehension
    Hupet, Michel[UCL] Tilmant, B. (1986) Journal of Memory and Language — Vol. 25, no. 4, p. 419-430 (1986)
    • Journal article
    Adaptation en langue française du « Reading Span Test » de Daneman et Carpenter (1980)
    Desmette, Donatienne[UCL] Hupet, Michel[UCL] Schelstraete, Marie-Anne[UCL] Vanderlinden, M. (1995) L'année psychologique : revue de psychologie cognitive — Vol. 95, no. 3, p. 459-482 (1995)
