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Displaying 1 - 25 of 47 results.


    • Journal article
    Acute pulmonary edema in relation with single coronary ostium following acoustic neuroma surgery.
    Jativa, Mijael[UCL] Hantson, Philippe[UCL] Gurné, Olivier[UCL] Van Boven, Michel[UCL] Gersdorff, Michel[UCL] (2003) Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia — Vol. 50, no.8, p. 859-860 (2003)
    • Journal article
    Tako-tsubo syndrome following nortriptyline overdose.
    De Roock, Sophie[UCL] Beauloye, Christophe[UCL] De Bauwer, Isabelle Vancraynest, David Gurné, Olivier[UCL] Gerber, Bernhard[UCL] Hantson, Philippe[UCL] (2008) Clinical toxicology (Philadelphia, Pa.) — Vol. 46, no. 5, p. 475-8 (2008)
    • Journal article
    Allosensitization in bridge to transplant Novacor left ventricular assist device patients: analysis of long-term outcomes with regard to acute rejection and chronic allograft vasculopathy.
    Kirsch, Lotti Timmermans, Thierry Van Caenegem, Olivier Gurné, Olivier[UCL] Noirhomme, Philippe[UCL] Jacquet, Luc-Marie[UCL] Latinne, Dominique[UCL] Poncelet, Alain[UCL] (2008) European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery — Vol. 34, no. 2, p. 268-74; discussion 274 (2008)
    • Journal article
    Bepaling van een prognostische score voor patiënten die intra-artic balloon pumping nodig hebben
    Evrard, Patrick[UCL] Jamart, Jacques[UCL] Laghmiche, A.[UCL] Gonzalez, M.[UCL] Gurné, Olivier[UCL] Eucher, Philippe[UCL] Installé, Etienne[UCL] (2001) Tijdschrift voor Cardiologie — Vol. 13, no. 8, p. 280-283 (2001)
