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Displaying 10 results.
    • Journal article
    Biomechanical analysis of running in weightlessness on a treadmill equipped with a subject loading system
    Gosseye, Thierry[UCL] Willems, Patrick[UCL] Heglund, Norman[UCL] (2010) European Journal of Applied Physiology — Vol. 110, no. 4, p. 709-728 (2010)
    • Speech
    Biomechanics Of Running In Weightlessness On A Gravity Simulator
    Willems, Patrick[UCL] Heglund, Norman[UCL] Gosseye, Thierry[UCL] (2007) International Astronautical Federation - 58th International Astronautical Congress 2007 — Hyderabad, India
    • Journal article
    Does an instrumented treadmill correctly measure the ground reaction forces?
    Willems, Patrick[UCL] Gosseye, Thierry[UCL] (2013) Biology Open — Vol. 2, no.12, p. 1421-1424 (2013)
    • Speech
    Effect of the pull-down force magnitude on the external work during running in weightlessness on a treadmill
    Gosseye, Thierry[UCL] Heglund, Norman[UCL] Willems, Patrick[UCL] (2008) 4th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering - ECIFMBE 2008 — Antwerp, Belgium
    • Speech
    Design of an active gravity simulator
    Gosseye, Thierry[UCL] Willems, Patrick[UCL] Heglund, Norman[UCL] (2005) 30eme Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique — Bruxelles
    • Speech
    Electromyographic pattern (EMG) of the lower limb muscles during running in weightlessness on a gravity simulator
    Gosseye, Thierry[UCL] Heglund, Norman[UCL] Schepens, Bénédicte[UCL] Willems, Patrick[UCL] (2007) 37th Congress of the Societé de Biomecanique, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 — Lyon (France)