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Displaying 12 results.
    • Journal article
    On the Use of the Correlation between Acoustic Descriptors for the Normal/Pathological Voices Discrimination
    Dubuisson, Thomas Dutoit, Thierry[UCL] Gosselin, Bernard Remacle, Marc (2009) Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing — Vol. 28, no. 1, p. 9-17 (2009)
    • Speech
    Développement d'un modèle computationnel de rétine destiné à l'étude des conditions mésopiques
    Decuypere, Justine Capron, Jean-Luc[UCL] Dutoit, Thierry Renglet, Michel (2012) Éclairage 2012 – 4ème colloque sur les nouvelles technologies de l'éclairage — Troyes
    • Speech
    eLite-HTS: a NLP tool for French HMM-based speech synthesis
    Roekhaut, Sophie[UCL] Brognaux, Sandrine[UCL] Beaufort, Richard Dutoit, Thierry (2014) Fifteenth Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, show and tell — Singapore
    • Speech
    eLite-HTS : un outil TAL pour la génération de synthèse HMM en français
    Roekhaut, Sophie[UCL] Brognaux, Sandrine[UCL] Beaufort, Richard Dutoit, Thierry[UCL] (2014) Démonstration aux Journées d'étude de la parole (JEP) — Le Mans, France
    • Speech
    Influence of Material Spectral Reflectance on Vision in Mesopic conditions
    Decuypere, Justine Capron, Jean-Luc[UCL] Dutoit, Thierry Renglet, Michel (2010) CIE Tutorial and Expert Symposium on Spectral and Imaging Methods for Photometry and Radiometry — Bern
    • Journal article
    Objective study of sensor relevance for automatic cough detection.
    Drugman, Thomas[UCL] Urbain, Jerome Bauwens, Nathalie Chessini, Ricardo Valderrama, Carlos Lebecque, Patrick Dutoit, Thierry (2013) IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics — Vol. 17, no. 3, p. 699-707 (2013)
    • Speech
    Audio and contact microphones for cough detection
    Drugman, Thomas Urbain, Jérôme Bauwens, Nathalie[UCL] Chessini, Ricardo Aubriot, Anne-Sophie[UCL] Lebecque, Patrick[UCL] Dutoit, Thierry (2012) 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association 2012, INTERSPEECH 2012 — (United States) Portland, OR
    • Speech
    Mesopic Contrast Measured with a Computational Model of the Retina
    Decuypere, Justine Capron, Jean-Luc[UCL] Dutoit, Thierry Renglet, Michel (2013) CIE Centenary Conference "Towards a New Century of Light" — Paris