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Displaying 15 results.
    • Journal article
    Cartilaginous choristoma of the oral cavity: a report of two cases.
    Desmedt, Marianne[UCL] Weynand, Birgit[UCL] Reychler, Hervé[UCL] (2007) B-ENT — Vol. 3, no. 2, p. 87-91 (2007)
    • Speech
    [Part of Tumor-markers in the Evaluation of Tumor Response To Irradiation]
    Deckers, Christian[UCL] Desmedt, Marianne[UCL] (1994) International Colloquium on Radiobiology: Biological Aspects and Physiochemical Bases — SHERBROOKE (Canada)
    • Journal article
    Palliative care services in Belgium: benefits and shortcomings of a legal framework
    Desmedt, Marianne[UCL] (1999) Supportive Care in Cancer — Vol. 7, no. 3, p. 109-112 (1999)
    • Journal article
    Patient âgé et demande d'euthanasie. Au-delà d'une réponse simpliste
    Desmedt, Marianne[UCL] (2002) Gérontologie et société - cahiers de la Fondation nationale de gérontologie — Vol. 101, no. 2, p. 93-102 (2002)
    • Journal article
    The Costs of Treating Terminal Patients
    Simoens, Steven[UCL] Desmedt, Marianne[UCL] Kutten, Betty[UCL] Keirse, Emmanuel Vanden Berghe, Paul Beguin, Claire[UCL] Deveugele, Myriam Leonard, Christian Paulus, Dominique Menten, Johan[UCL] (2010) Journal of Pain and Symptom Management — Vol. 40, no. 3, p. 436-448 (2010)
    • Journal article
    Limitation et arrêt thérapeutique
    Desmedt, Marianne[UCL] (2004) Gerontologie et Societe — Vol. 108, no. 1, p. 167-176 (2004)
    • Journal article
    Relecture de pratiques. A propos de l'euthanasie dans une unité de soins palliatifs
    Jacquemin, Dominique[UCL] Desmedt, Marianne[UCL] (2013) Ethica Clinica — Vol. 02-69, no.69, p. 51-55 (2013)
    • Journal article
    Palliative home care: improving co-operation between the specialist team and the family doctor.
    Desmedt, Marianne Michel, H (2002) Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer — Vol. 10, no. 4, p. 343-8 (2002)