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Displaying 1 - 25 of 96 results.


    • Journal article
    Persistent developmental delay despite successful bone marrow transplantation for purine nucleoside phosphorylase deficiency.
    Baguette, Christel Vermylen, Christiane[UCL] Brichard, Bénédicte[UCL] Louis, Jacques Dahan, Karin[UCL] Vincent, Marie-Françoise[UCL] Cornu, Guy[UCL] (2002) Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology : official journal of the American Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology — Vol. 24, no. 1, p. 69-71 (2002)
    • Journal article
    A novel splicing mutation in SLC12A3 associated with Gitelman syndrome and idiopathic intracranial hypertension.
    Godefroid, Nathalie Riveira-Munoz, Eva[UCL] Saint-Martin, Christine Nassogne, Marie-Cécile[UCL] Dahan, Karin[UCL] Devuyst, Olivier[UCL] (2006) American journal of kidney diseases : the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation — Vol. 48, no. 5, p. e73-9 (2006)
    • Journal article
    Outcome of kidney transplantation in familial juvenile hyperuricaemic nephropathy
    Labriola, Laura[UCL] Dahan, Karin[UCL] Pirson, Yves[UCL] (2007) Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation — Vol. 22, no. 10, p. 3070-3073 (2007)
    • Journal article
    Molecular analysis of GB virus C isolates in Belgian hemodialysis patients.
    Liu, H F Goubau, Patrick[UCL] Cornu, C. Jadoul, Michel[UCL] Dahan, Karin[UCL] Loute, G. (1998) Journal of medical virology — Vol. 55, no. 2, p. 118-22 (1998)
    • Journal article
    Polymicrogyria in chromosome 22q11 deletion syndrome.
    Ghariani, Sophie[UCL] Dahan, Karin[UCL] Saint-Martin, Christine[UCL] Kadhim, Hazim[UCL] Morsomme, Françoise[UCL] Moniotte, Stéphane[UCL] Dumoulin, Christine[UCL] Sébire, Guillaume[UCL] (2002) European journal of paediatric neurology : EJPN : official journal of the European Paediatric Neurology Society — Vol. 6, no. 1, p. 73-77 (2002)
    • Journal article
    Late-onset renal failure in Senior-Loken syndrome.
    Georges, B. Cosyns, Jean-Pierre[UCL] Dahan, Karin[UCL] Snyers, Bernadette[UCL] Carlier, B. Loute, G. Pirson, Yves[UCL] (2000) American journal of kidney diseases : the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation — Vol. 36, no. 6, p. 1271-5 (2000)
    • Journal article
    Autosomal-dominant chronic interstitial nephritis with early hyperuricemia.
    Pirson, Yves[UCL] Loute, G. Cosyns, Jean-Pierre[UCL] Dahan, Karin[UCL] Dumoulin, Christine[UCL] (2000) Advances in nephrology from the Necker Hospital — Vol. 30, p. 357-369 (2000)
    • Journal article
    Mutation in the Gene: A New Family with Familial Renal Hypouricemia Type 2.
    Maalouly, Christian[UCL] Dahan, Karin[UCL] Devresse, Arnaud[UCL] Gillion, Valentine[UCL] (2021) Case reports in nephrology — Vol. 2021, p. 4751099 (2021)
    • Journal article
    [Secondary hemochromatosis - Response]
    Buysschaert, Martin[UCL] Dahan, Karin[UCL] Paris, Isabelle (1999) Acta Clinica Belgica (Multilingual Edition) — Vol. 54, no. 3, p. 173-174 (1999)
    • Journal article
    Evolution of communication abilities after cochlear implantation in prelingually deaf children
    Gérard, Jean-Marc[UCL] Deggouj, Naima Hupin, Cloé[UCL] Buisson, Anne-Laure[UCL] Monteyne, Veronique[UCL] Lavis, C.[UCL] Dahan, Karin[UCL] Gersdorff, Michel (2010) International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology — Vol. 74, no. 6, p. 642-648 (2010)
    • Journal article
    Du syndrome d'Alport à l'hématurie familiale bénigne: aspects cliniques et génétiques.
    Maziers, Nicolas[UCL] Dahan, Karin[UCL] Pirson, Yves[UCL] (2005) Néphrologie & thérapeutique — Vol. 1, no. 2, p. 90-100 (2005)
