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Displaying 23 results.
    • Speech
    Stateless CPU-aware datacenter load-balancing
    Barbette, Tom[UCL] Chiesa, Marco Maguire, Gerald Q. Kostić, Dejan (2020) CoNEXT '20: The 16th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies — Barcelona Spain
    • Speech
    Fast userspace packet processing
    Barbette, Tom[UCL] Soldani, Cyril Mathy, Laurent (2015) 2015 ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS) — Oakland, CA, USA
    • Speech
    Building a chain of high-speed VNFs in no time: Invited Paper
    Barbette, Tom[UCL] Soldani, Cyril Gaillard, Romain Mathy, Laurent (2018) 2018 IEEE 19th International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR) — Bucharest, Romania
    • Speech
    High-speed Connection Tracking in Modern Servers
    Girondi, Massimo Chiesa, Marco Barbette, Tom[UCL] (2021) 2021 IEEE 22nd International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR) — Paris, France
    • Speech
    PacketMill: toward per-Core 100-Gbps networking
    Farshin, Alireza Barbette, Tom[UCL] Roozbeh, Amir Maguire Jr., Gerald Q. Kostić, Dejan (2021) ASPLOS '21: 26th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems — Virtual USA
    • Journal article
    Combined Stateful Classification and Session Splicing for High-Speed NFV Service Chaining
    Barbette, Tom[UCL] Soldani, Cyril Mathy, Laurent (2021) IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking — Vol. 29, no.6, p. 2560-2573 (2021)
    • Speech
    Poster: Enhancing the performance of a single connection using Multipath QUIC
    Ingenzi, Vany[UCL] Barbette, Tom[UCL] Bonaventure, Olivier[UCL] (2024) IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols —
    • Speech
    Poster: NPF: orchestrate and reproduce network experiments
    Barbette, Tom[UCL] (2024) 2024 ACM Conference on Reproducibility and Replicability — Rennes, France
    • Speech
    A High-Speed Load-Balancer Design with Guaranteed Per-Connection-Consistency
    Barbette, Tom[UCL] Tang, Chen Yao, Haoran Kostić, Dejan Maguire Jr, Gerald Q Papadimitratos, Panagiotis Chiesa, Marco (2020) 17th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI'20) — Santa Clara, CA
    • Journal article
    The multiple roles that IPv6 addresses can play in today's internet
    Piraux, Maxime[UCL] Barbette, Tom[UCL] Rybowski, Nicolas[UCL] Navarre, Louis[UCL] Alfroy, Thomas Pelsser, Cristel Michel, François[UCL] Bonaventure, Olivier[UCL] (2022) ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review — Vol. 52, no.3, p. 10-18 (2022)
    • Speech
    RSS++ : load and state-aware receive side scaling
    Barbette, Tom[UCL] Katsikas, Georgios P. Maguire, Gerald Q. Kostić, Dejan (2019) CoNEXT '19: The 15th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies — Orlando Florida
    • Speech
    A high-speed QUIC implementation
    Tyunyayev, Nikita[UCL] Piraux, Maxime[UCL] Bonaventure, Olivier[UCL] Barbette, Tom[UCL] (2022) CoNEXT '22: The 18th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies — Rome Italy
    • Speech
    Metron: NFV service chains at the true speed of the underlying hardware
    Katsikas, Georgios P. Barbette, Tom[UCL] Kostic, Dejan Rebecca, Steinert Maguire Jr., Gerald Q. (2018) 15th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 18) — RENTON, WA, Etats-Unis
    • Speech
    A High-Speed Stateful Packet Processing Approach for Tbps Programmable Switches
    Mariano Scazzariello Tommaso Caiazzi Hamid Ghasemirahni Barbette, Tom[UCL] Dejan Kostic Marco Chiesa (2023) 20th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 23) — New York
    • Journal article
    A High-Speed Robust Tunnel using Forward Erasure Correction in Segment Routing
    Navarre, Louis[UCL] Michel, François[UCL] Barbette, Tom[UCL] (2024) IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols — (2024)