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Displaying 21 results.
    • Journal article
    How to isolate and analysemicrovesicles in human samples?
    Mullier, François Bailly, Nicolas Chatelain, Christian Chatelain, Bernard Dogné, Jean-Michel[FUNDP] (2013) Belgian Journal of Hematology — Vol. 4, no.1, p. 9-10 (2013)
    • Journal article
    Contribution of platelet microparticles generation assay to the diagnosis of type II heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.
    Mullier, François[UCL] Bailly, Nicolas[UCL] Cornet, Yvan[UCL] Dubuc, Eric[UCL] Robert, S.[FUNDP] Osselaer, Jean-Claude[UCL] Chatelain, Christian[UCL] Dogné, Jean-Michel[FUNDP] Chatelain, Bernard[UCL] (2010) Thrombosis and Haemostasis : international journal for vascular biology and medicine — Vol. 103, no. 6, p. 1277-1281 (2010)
    • Journal article
    Platelet microparticle generation assay for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia diagnosis: How should we express the results?
    Minet, Valentine Bailly, Nicolas Dogné, Jean-Michel Mullier, François[UCL] (2015) Thrombosis Research : vascular obstruction, hemorrhage and hemostasis — Vol. 136, no. 1, p. 175-177 (2015)
    • Speech
    Introduction to the platelet analysis by Flow Cytometry
    Bailly, Nicolas Mullier, François[UCL] Chatelain, Bernard[UCL] (2014) European Society for Clinical Cell Analysis ESCCA Summer school — Valencia, Spain
    • Journal article
    Microparticle bearing tissue factor: A link between promyelocytic cells and hypercoagulable state.
    Gheldof, Damien Mullier, François[UCL] Bailly, Nicolas DEVALET, Bérangère[UCL] Dogné, Jean-Michel Chatelain, Bernard[UCL] Chatelain, Christian[UCL] (2013) Thrombosis Research : vascular obstruction, hemorrhage and hemostasis — Vol. 133, no. 3, p. 433-439 (2013)
    • Speech
    Introduction to the Analysis of Microparticles by Flow Cytometry
    Bailly, Nicolas Mullier, François[UCL] Chatelain, Bernard[UCL] (2014) European Society for Clinical Cell Analysis ESCCA Summer school — Valencia, Spain