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Structure and Reactivity of a Unique Y-Shaped Tricoordinate Bis(silyl)platinum(II)-NHC Complex.

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  51. We reached this conclusion by data mining of the CCDC database.
  52. The 195Pt chemical shift of PtII complexes is commonly between δ=−1500 ppm and δ=−5000 ppm.
  53. All optimized structures, Cartesian coordinates, and significant molecular orbitals are reported in the Supporting Information.
  54. All attempts to optimize a Y-shaped geometry led to convergence to a T-shaped geometry.
Bibliographic reference Berthon-Gelloz, Guillaume ; de Bruin, Bas ; Tinant, Bernard ; Marko, Istvan. Structure and Reactivity of a Unique Y-Shaped Tricoordinate Bis(silyl)platinum(II)-NHC Complex.. In: Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English), Vol. 48, no. 17, p. 3161-4 (2009)
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