Accès à distance ? S'identifier sur le proxy UCLouvain - OA Policies
This section give information about policy for open access publication of all partners of DIAL project :
What do I have to do ? |
deposit the full text of your article in open access on the institutional repository |
Who is concerned ? |
Any researcher carrying a research in a scientific or teaching establishment and funded in whole or partially by the Wallonia-Brussels federation |
For which publications ? |
the articles published in a periodical that appears at least once a year. At UCLouvain, the orther publications (books, book chapters, speeches, etc.) must also be submitted on The institution encourages open access dissemination of these publications, but requires prior agreement from the publisher. |
Which version should I deposit ? |
The version accepted for publication, with peer reviewing, also known as postprint. Authors cannot give open access to the version with the layout of the editor, unless he or she has received the publisher's agreement. |
When do i have to submit ? |
Directly after acceptance of the article by the publisher |
Are there any specifications ? |
The publisher may impose an embargo period, during which the access must be forbidden in the institutional repository. In that case, the embargo period begins the day of the publication and may not exceed :
Since when ? |
The decree requires open access since the start of the 2018 academic year. It officially came into force on 14 September 2018. |
Why this text ? |
To promote the free circulation of knowledge and increase the visibility of researchers and their research. In addition, only publications duly deposited in the institutional repository will be taken into consideration when assessing applications for promotion, appointment or the award of research credits in the FWB. |
OpenAccess brochure
UCL OA Policy:
The Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) supports "The Immediate-Deposit/Optional-Access (ID/OA)". This requirement means that :
- Any publication from researchers or academic staff must be at least archived into a repository (Ex. for UCL) for works from 2013.
- Access to the institutional repository will, by default, closed or restricted, unless the publisher/agregator allows open access.
- The UCL repository ( offers to users the possibility to request a copy of works that are with restricted access
- Author will do all it it can to putt its works in Open Access
... At its regular meeting of July 2, 2012, the 'Conseil Académique de l'UCL' has decided to mandate both recording bibliographic data and the full-text deposit from January 2013. So the deposit of full-text only concerns publications produced from January 1, 2013. It belongs to the sectors to eventually extend the obligation to deposit the full text 2008-2012. The type of access to the full text of these publications will be opened in accordance with the rules applicable to copyright and legal editor...
So why UCL decided to make the mandatory deposit from 2013 ?
By requiring registration of bibliographic and full text submission, the UCL authorities has four main goals :
- Create a comprehensive and long-term preservation of the university's scientific publications.
- Ensuring access by the academic community to publications of its own researchers.
- Increase the visibility of the university and its researchers around the world.
- Facilitate access to scientific information in general.
Are there penalties for non-compliance with the UCL's OA Policy ?
According to the Conseil Académique, sanctions may be applied at the level of internal evaluation and the granting of allocation of institutional resources dedicated : "The Conseil Académique confirmed that the internal evaluation of researchers will consider, from the 1 January 2013, as duly filed within the system publications and the deposit will also be one of the criteria of institutional resource allocation grant dedicated to research". However, researchers are reminded that it concerns publications produced from 2013.
If you want to read more information about the mandatory deposit at UCL, please go the dedicated FAQ
USL-B OA Policy:
The Conseil de Recherche of the University Saint-Louis-Brussels make mandatory
- the encoding in the institutional repository of all the scientific publications of the scientific and academic members of the ULS-B,
- and the submission of full-text for those published since 2003.
These full-text versions are available free of charge as soon as possible, taking into account any requirements of the publishers. If an embargo of more than 18 months is required by the publisher, the author informs the Président of the Conseil de Recherche.
Failure to provide full texts in open access does not exempt the author from encoding his publications in the institutional repository, especially since these encodings can be used in scientific reports or evaluations.
The full text that must be submitted refers to the PDF version of the author's final text before publication. This copy must mention the coordinates of the edited version. The submitted version can be the “publisher” version, if an agreement with the publisher allows it.