
Displaying 61 - 70 of 407 results.


  1. Supply Chain Optimization of the Lhoist Network in Malaysia
    By : Puylaert, Kévin[UCL] Directed by : Agrell, Per Joakim[UCL] (2015) Louvain School of Management

  2. Warehousing Efficiency and Impact Analysi using DEA
    By : Kinif, Simon[UCL] Directed by : Agrell, Per Joakim[UCL] (2015) Louvain School of Management

  3. La transmission d’entreprise et la mission du professionnel
    By : Jourquin, Céline[UCL] Directed by : Helbois, Dominique[UCL] (2015) Louvain School of Management

  4. Le tableau de bord prospectif : le cas de la société I-MOVIX
    By : Tancredi, Luigi[UCL] Directed by : Sinigaglia, Nadia[UCL] (2016) Louvain School of Management

  5. Analyse du processus décisionnel des crèches du CPAS de Mons
    By : Greci, Angélique[UCL] Directed by : Crévieaux, Christophe[UCL] (2016) Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales, politiques et de communication
