
Displaying 201 - 206 of 206 results.


  1. Watermarking of models destined to 3D printing by deformation of surfaces
    By : Prieëls, Antoine[UCL] Directed by : Macq, Benoît[UCL] (2018) Ecole polytechnique de Louvain

  2. Diffusion and epidemics on networks
    By : Di Giovanni, Julien[UCL] Directed by : Delvenne, Jean-Charles[UCL] (2018) Ecole polytechnique de Louvain

  3. Video transport over Internet Protocol : timing synchronization
    By : Fery, Yolan[UCL] Directed by : Legat, Jean-Didier[UCL] PELLEGRIN, Pascal[UCL] (2018) Ecole polytechnique de Louvain
