
Displaying 1 - 10 of 39 results.


  1. Etude d'une reprise du réseau d'éclairage public communal par Ores
    By : Rouge, Damien[UCL] Directed by : Helbois, Dominique[UCL] (2015) Louvain School of Management

  2. Etude d’image de marque : le cas de l’essuie-tout Nalys
    By : Serru, Kevin[UCL] Directed by : Sinigaglia, Nadia[UCL] (2015) Louvain School of Management

  3. Influence of euro adoption to the public finance in Eurozone member states
    By : Zaloga, Rytis[UCL] Directed by : Iania, Leonardo[UCL] (2015) Louvain School of Management

  4. Supply Chain Optimization of the Lhoist Network in Malaysia
    By : Puylaert, Kévin[UCL] Directed by : Agrell, Per Joakim[UCL] (2015) Louvain School of Management
