
Displaying 1 - 10 of 187 results.


  1. Bayesian approach to portfolio selection
    By : Vanderveken, Rodolphe[UCL] Directed by : Vrins, Frédéric[UCL] (2019) Louvain School of Management

  2. The digital maturity of boards of directors of international companies
    By : de Touzalin, Loïc[UCL] Directed by : Sarens, Gerrit[UCL] (2019) Louvain School of Management

  3. Accès des PME aux subsides – un accès restreint et conditionnel ?
    By : Adjanor, Coami[UCL] Directed by : Grégoire, Philippe[UCL] (2019) Louvain School of Management
