
Displaying 6 results.
  1. Locating and identifying user’s meaningful places from raw GPS data
    By : Kimmel, Stéphane[UCL] Directed by : Lee, John[UCL] (2017) Faculté des sciences — Ecole polytechnique de Louvain

  2. Resolution of the big-data problem related to a dimension reduction algorithm based on multi-scale similarities in stochastic neighbor embedding
    By : Souris, Fabian[UCL] Directed by : Verleysen, Michel[UCL] Lee, John[UCL - "SSS/IREC - Institut de recherche experimentale et clinique" (matricule : 20898)] (2015) Ecole polytechnique de Louvain

  3. Detecting user’s habits using GPS data
    By : Loroy, Justin[UCL] Directed by : Lee, John Verleysen, Michel[UCL] (2016) Ecole polytechnique de Louvain

  4. Accelerometer and gyroscope data-based detection of on-the-same-body wearables
    By : Maas, Dylan[UCL] Directed by : Lee, John[UCL - SSS/IREC] (2017) Ecole polytechnique de Louvain

  5. Deep Q-Learning for Robocode
    By : Degryse, Baptiste[UCL] Directed by : Lee, John[UCL] (2017) Ecole polytechnique de Louvain