
Displaying 8 results.
  1. Study of heating solutions for electric buses
    By : Goffart, Jérôme[UCL] Directed by : Jeanmart, Hervé[UCL] (2019) Ecole polytechnique de Louvain

  2. Automatic air management system for manual wood burning stoves
    By : Mannaert, Stephan[UCL] Directed by : Jeanmart, Hervé[UCL] (2020) Ecole polytechnique de Louvain

  3. Modélisation d'un moteur Dual Fuel
    By : Ouedraogo, Yabyouré Michaël[UCL] Directed by : Jeanmart, Hervé[UCL] (2021) Ecole polytechnique de Louvain

  4. Up-cycling of wastes through hydrothermal carbonization
    By : Bagherian, Mohammad Ali[UCL] Directed by : Jeanmart, Hervé[UCL] (2022) Ecole polytechnique de Louvain