
Displaying 19151 - 19160 of 34804 results.


  1. Compromise and strategyproof social choice under uncertainty. A special case.
    By : Pianella, Matteo[UCL] Directed by : Maniquet, François[UCL] (2020) Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales, politiques et de communication

  2. Empirical analysis of the Dornbursch’s exchange rate overshooting hypothesis: an application to commodity currency countries
    By : Doraghi, Mehrdaad[UCL] Directed by : Bodart, Vincent[UCL] (2020) Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales, politiques et de communication

  3. L'euro peut-il devenir la monnaie internationale dominante?
    By : Harrak, Pauline[UCL] Directed by : Bodart, Vincent[UCL] (2020) Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales, politiques et de communication
